Tips to Train Your Pet Parrot

Having a pet is a very nice feeling especially for people who do not have enough time to relax and unwind. Pets make the lives of many people a lot more fun so to those who wish to get a pet, make sure to try getting a pet parrot. Parrots are easy to take care of and best of all, they talk. You can definitely have a great time whenever you would hear them speak.
These are just few of the things that people should do in case they wish to train their pet parrot. Parrots are definitely great pets and since they can talk, there would never be a dull moment if you have them at home.
To those who wish to get one, then check out the amazing training tips:
  • Always make sure to train your pet parrot every day. If you wish them to learn something, you have to make sure that you only spend 10 minutes to train them because birds have small brains. The best way for them to retain what you have taught them is if you do not overdo it. 10 minutes would be enough for them to retain what you have taught them.

  • You might also wish to practice training them with props. This is great for people who use their pets for shows. This would help your pet become familiar with different props that would make the show a lot more fun and interesting. Try to find the best props that your pet would be able to play with effortlessly.

  • Be sure to train you parrot in a quiet place this is to make sure that they would not be confused with the sound that they need to follow. You also have to make sure that you give them rewards so they would learn easily. Try to scratch their heads because this means that they have done something great. Parrots are smart animals so be sure to reward them if they did something great.

  • It is also important that you train your parrot same time everyday so it would be something that the parrots would look forward to. They would also imbed in their minds that at the exact time, they get to have fun and learn new things. This is definitely a rewarding experience for both the owner as well as the parrot.

  • Always praise your pet for the great things that he or she was able to accomplish on your training. They would surely want to be praised and rewarded with what they were able to do for the day so be sure to do this so your pets would always look forward to having a new learning session with you.
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The Lifespan Of A Parrot Means You Have A Pet For A Lot Of Years

Parrots are one of the most intelligent birds and surprisingly impressive with their ability to talk. Interestingly, a parrot's life span can be really long, giving you more time to bond with each other. An average lifespan of a parrot can range from 5 to 85 years or even more, depending upon the breed.
For those who want a parrot with a longer lifespan, it becomes a matter of choice of breed. Although, in captivity, a parrot's lifespan can be a bit longer than those in the wild, but a parrot kept as a pet will still need adequate care and attention o that it does have a long lifespan.
This unique characteristic of a parrot makes it very different from other type of birds and is really helpful for you when you are considering on investing in a pet. If you're ready to choose a pet parrot and would like to know the various lifespans of different species then here we go!
· The Macaws, is known to be one of the longest living breed that can extend its lifespan to more than 80 years. But these types of parrots definitely need adequate attention and care to reach this age.
· Cockatoos are one of the most favorite and can survive for more than 60 years.
· Amazon parrots can spread their lifespan for more than 50 to 70 years.
· Eclectus have a parrot lifespan of approximately 65 to 85 years.
· African Grays can live for more than 60 years.
· Conures may not have a good lifespan as compared to the others, yet can live more than 20 years.
· Lorikeets and Lories may live only to a maximum of 25 years.
· A Senegal lives for an average 50 years.
· Caique has a parrot lifespan of 30 years.
· Parakeets can stay from 10 to 15 years.
· A Cockatiel has a lifespan from 12 to 20 years.
· Finches live the shortest period and can only last for 10 years.
· Lovebirds are one of the most favorites, but can only survive for a maximum of 25 years.
· Canaries can only live up to 15 years.
Parrots living in captivity and add a huge amount of years to their life because they are not threatened by predators and are not exposed to many illnesses that are out there in the wild. Environmental elements play a vital role in decreasing or increasing the lifespan of a parrot or its species and pet parrots face much less survival crisis which gives them more mental piece and a stronger body to live a longer lifetime.
A parrot's lifespan can be increased if you give them the proper nutrition that they need along with a good vet checkup on a regular basis. Avoiding a lot of diseases can increase immunity in your pet, giving them more chance to live longer.
Pet parrots are just like human beings and need a lot of mental peace and moral support to live longer, which can only be provided by their owners. They are a social animal and it is important to their wellbeing that owners spend a lot of time with them and have a lot of interaction with them. Being intelligent as they are, they also need mental stimulation and this can come from the owners but the right choice of parrot toys can also be a great help.
For valuable information on how to decide on your parrot choice and how to best care for a pet parrot from parrot expert Kaye Dennan visit

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A Talking Parrot For a Life-Long Pet

A talking parrot is a great pet to have if you intend to purchase one. Parrots can learn to memorize words including its tonality if trained by its master which it knows and trusts. Teaching a parrot to talk is a fairly easy process, but you need to have patience and enthusiasm.
The best time for a parrot to learn to talk is at a young age. Introduce simple words repeatedly until the parrot recognizes and becomes familiar with them. The most popular word for a parrot to learn is 'hello'. It is also an important basic word to learn because naturally everyone would use it to talk to the parrot. Use it every time you greet your parrot and reward it with its favorite food when the bird gets it right. Do it when there are no other noises in the house and the bird can concentrate on the word you are introducing it to.

Clarity and calmness of your voice is essential as it will put the parrot at ease. Repeat the word slowly during your teaching sessions until it imitates the sound and tonality. If the sound does not come out right be patient and repeat the words until you are satisfied that your bird has got it. Introduce one word at a time. Do not give more than what the bird can digest because this can do more harm than good.
Essentially, the 'teach your parrot to talk' sessions should be short but done regularly. The sessions should be conducted at a familiar and fun place so that the parrot will find it enjoying. Doing this while the parrot is perched on your hand is also a great idea because it creates bonding.

Teaching your parrot to talk can take its toll on you, especially if you don't see the results that you want immediately. You can be creative, such as using audio tapes and play it on a recorder next to the parrot cage. It is a good idea to cover the bird cage so that the bird will not be distracted by what is going on around it. This has been proven to be a great method to teach a parrot to talk. If you can record using your own voice, this would even be better.
The disadvantage about having a talking parrot is that it picks up any sound that it wants to and this includes the doorbell, microwave, telephone, and even sounds from your other pets. This can be annoying sometimes when you can't tell the difference between the sound made by your parrot and the real thing.

The key to success in teaching a parrot to talk is repetition and patience. The consolation on your part is that you have plenty of time to see this through because on average, a parrot can live up to 65 years. Yes, your talking parrot can even outlived you. But isn't that what you are looking for....a lifelong pet?
Get FREE training tips and ideas in up keeping your pet parrots at

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