How to Treat Dog Constipation Naturally

Owners shouldn't be that surprised whenever their dog has an occasional bout of constipation. It usually isn't much cause for concern as long as the condition doesn't last too long. Here are a few ways to treat dog constipation naturally.

Giving your dog pureed pumpkin will work wonders when it comes to relieving his constipation. Not only does pumpkin contain fiber, but it also offers plenty of water content. It's important that you don't give your dog pumpkin puree that has spices added to it. Also, don't overdo your doses. A couple of teaspoons should be enough at one feeding.
Apple cider vinegar is another way to treat dog constipation naturally. It is best to use the organic variety. One to two teaspoons of this is enough. Not only does organic apple cider vinegar work well for constipation in dogs, but it also works well for other digestive problems.
You can use a variety of oils if you find your dog to be constipated. Two of the most effective include mineral and olive oil. The lubrication they provide will hopefully help get rid of the problem. You don't want to overdo it with either type though. Some owners prefer to give coconut or even almond oil to their canines.
Now that you know a few ways to treat dog constipation naturally, you need to learn how to prevent the condition in the first place. This is especially important if your dog is having problems more than normal.

Dogs need exercise for a wide range of reasons. One of these is that it helps keep their digestive system working properly. Make sure that you provide your dog with adequate exercise on a daily basis.
Dogs should always have access to fresh drinking water. It's especially important during the summer months when dehydration can quickly set in. You also need to pay attention to your canine's water supply during the winter since it can become frozen after being outside for a while.
Hopefully, you realize the importance of feeding your dog a healthy diet. A good way to prevent dog constipation is to add a bit more dietary fiber to your dog's food. You can find fiber in a range of foods like leafy vegetables or the aforementioned canned pumpkin.
Finally, you will need to groom your dog properly in order to prevent frequent bouts of constipation in dogs. If your dog frequently licks himself, he may swallow a lot of hair, leading to problems. You can keep this from happening by brushing your dog regularly. This is critical if your dog is a longer-haired breed.
Fortunately, constipation is typically a minor issue. However, there are many other problems that your dog may possibly have to deal with likedog distemper. Stop by today to learn about a wide range of dog health problems and also to read useful articles about dogs.


It's A Dog's Life - Proper Outdoor Care For Your Four Legged Friend

Whatever type of climate you live in, be it blisteringly hot, biting cold, somewhere in between or - like the UK - all three on the same day, your dog should never be left alone outdoors for long periods without proper living conditions and access to adequate shelter. This might be as simple as leaving the back door open or, if that is impractical or unacceptable, by giving your dog an outside home and exercise run.
All dogs need exercise. A small breed might get enough by merely running around a back garden, but larger dogs will still need proper exercising even if they have the run of a large backyard. Please don't use your yard as an excuse not to walk your dog properly!
If your yard is not fenced you should consider making a suitable running pen for your pet. Even if it is fenced you might have valuable plants or carefully tended flower beds that do not mix well with a boisterous animal. Some sort of separation between dog and flowers might be a good idea!
Your dog's health is super important. Good outdoor dog houses will provide shade on hot days and shelter from wind and rain on bad days, both necessary for Fido's welfare. Make sure that the access door is placed out of the prevailing wind, and perhaps provide a moveable screen or curtain over the door to keep out wind and rain as well. You could add an awning over the entrance for more shade, or make sure that there are other shady areas in the garden such as trees or trellises.
Food and Water
Fresh drinking water is a must. If your dog tends to be a bit clumsy (a Cocker Spaniel comes to mind!) try to anchor the water bowl so that it can't be turned over too easily. It's also a good idea to place the bowl on a patio slab or other hard surface, so that the inevitable water spillage doesn't make the ground around it turn to mud. And then migrate to muddy paws!
Try to feed your dog indoors if possible. Apart from keeping food scraps away from garden pests and perhaps uninvited guests of the wild animal variety, this has the advantage of making your dog feel part of your family. Dogs are, after all, companionable animals and like to feel they belong.
Dog Houses
Dog house design is up to you but can be a good opportunity to make something really beautiful for your pet. Start with the size required. If your dog is less than a year old you need to know what size it will eventually end up, or make an inspired guess.
The dog house will need to be big enough for the animal to lie down and turn around in, but not too large so that the dog will get a little lost in it.
Then you need to consider things like easy access for not only your dog but also you, to clean out and generally keep the inside healthy and comfortable. There should be good ventilation, to control humidity and damp. A dog's breath contains a surprising amount of water! And the dog house must be dry and weather-proof. All joins should be sealed properly, no holes, no rotting or mildewed wood.
Avoid pressure-treated wood because it can be poisonous for animals.
It is probably a good idea to mount the dog house off the ground, to prevent cold ground temperatures and rising damp from affecting your dog.
There are many different dog houses available to buy but, apart from saving money, building the kennel yourself has many advantages. Yes, you can make one simply by screwing a few bits of scrap wood together but the result will be unattractive and disappointing for both dog and owner. Far better to design a dog house that not only meets all the basic requirements outlined above but also becomes an attractive feature of your garden or backyard in its own right.
Do you want to know how to build a doghouse? There are plenty of simple dog house plans available online, some free and some costing a few dollars. Free ones tend to be a little basic but can be perfectly adequate. At least they won't have cost you anything if you decide to ditch them!
Buying a good set of doghouse plans usually ensures a wide range of designs, proper construction drawings, clear assembly instructions and useful materials lists. Even though building a dog house is simple and straightforward it is still good to get one designed by an expert so that you know it will meet all the necessary care requirements and be good enough for your dog.
A Happy Dog!
Looking after a pet is every owner's responsibility but one that everyone will want to perform to the best of his or her ability. The reward will be a healthy, happy and loving canine friend.
Author: Kieran Gracie
For more information about dog houses and where to get the best dog house plans to build a kennel check out, a site devoted to popular DIY projects. The author, Kieran Gracie, is a keen woodworking enthusiast with a precision engineering background, so is well placed to offer advice and guidance on all kinds of do-it-yourself topics. He is also a dog lover and has bred West Highland terriers. His favorite was called the Popski Dog - it's a long story!

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Walking multiple dogs really requires using the right equipment. Fortunately, there are a number of items that makes this easy. Well, at least, easier.
Two and three-way nylon or leather couplers are often easy to find and the choice for many dog owners. This is an item that clips onto a regular leash. The extender has either two or three leashes attached and although length usually ranges from about 1-3 feet in length. Most are adjustable. The nice part about a coupler is that only one leash is needed from the owner, the dogs are kept fairly close together and leashes do not usually get tangled. The downside may be that the shorter extensions can limit mobility for the dogs.
For a little more dog freedom, there are retractable products like the Wigzi Dual Doggie Retractable Leash. This retractable leash has two full leashes of different colors with similar colored buttons for control. If the leashes cross, the retractable handle spins to correct the tangle without needing adjustment. The handle of this item is also soft and comfortable.
We also found the 2K-9 Double Dog Walker. It works on a swivel for no tangling like the Wigzi, but isn't a retractable leash. This is a hand device that you attach to your two existing leashes. A perfect product for dogs that are too strong for a retractable leash. Many people swear by this product and it is easy to use.
If you happen to be struggling with two rather large dogs, you might also appreciate the shock absorption of an EZ Steps Shock Absorbing Stretch Dual Coupler Leash. This product has a no-tangle swivel and is comfortable to use. The rubber, bungee-like material of this leash saves wear and tear on the arm and gives the dogs some freedom while simultaneously offering a pull-back correction. This may be one of our favorite multi-dog leashes, especially if you have big strong energetic dogs to walk.
Walking two dogs can be accomplished safely and without a struggle if you can find the right equipment. As with many specialty leashes, the type you finally decide on will largely depend on you and your dogs. But, when you find the right leash, walking your furry friends will become increasingly enjoyable. You may even want to go on more walks than ever and your dogs will always love that.
Check out now to be able to get more information on different types of dog leashes and also some basic training tips. And, of course, you can find the right quality affordable dog leash, some training programs and many other related dog supplies.

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